1000 N. Rand Road, Suite 214
Wauconda, Illinois 60084 USA
Website: www.hvi.org
March 17, 2009
Phone: (855) HVI-VENT (855.484.8368)
Fax: (480) 559-9722
Contact: Kim Krok
(847) 526-2010
The Home Ventilating Institute (HVI) recognized an outstanding volunteer for his exceptional contributions to HVI and the residential ventilation industry during HVI’s Spring Meeting in February. Don Stevens of Panasonic Home and Environment Co. was presented with the 2009 HVI Distinguished Service Award. “Don can be described as an extremely dedicated volunteer. When he commits to doing something, he does it to his full capacity and without any expectation of recognition. He is a hard-working individual,” said Peter Grinbergs HVI Chairman, of Stevens.
Stevens currently serves on the HVI Board of Directors as a Member-at-large and is the Chair of the Lab Oversight Committee, and Codes and Standards Committee. Stevens is also a regular columnist for the quarterly HVI newsletter, Fan mail, composing the article entitled Codes Corner. He also serves on numerous task groups and committees and is the lead instructor for HVI’s abbreviated version of HVI/Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA) Ventilation Workshop. Stevens has been an active Member of Board of Directors since 1996, serving as past Secretary, Vice Chair/Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board. He is also a past Chair of the Engineering Committee and was a contributing author to the 2009 HVI Fresh Ideas magazine.
In addition to the work Stevens has accomplished with HVI, he has worked on codes and standards issues for numerous years, serving as Vice Chair of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 62.2 Committee. Don is largely responsible for the development of the original specification for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Energy Star Program for Residential Ventilating Fans, and participates on the Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) for Homes Committee through the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).
"I am deeply honored to receive this award from my peers," said Stevens. "As a former Chairman and active member of the Board of Directors of HVI, I have had the pleasure of working with many professionals from throughout our industry. As a firm believer in the value of participating in our industry association, I look forward to another 15 years of focusing on the industry, not the competition."
The HVI Distinguished Service Award is bestowed annually at the HVI Spring meeting by the Board of Directors to distinguished representatives and partners of HVI who have served well and brought honor to themselves and the Home Ventilating Institute. All representatives of HVI member companies in good standing as well as representatives of recognized HVI partner organizations are eligible for this award.
The Home Ventilating Institute (HVI), founded in 1955, is a nonprofit association of the manufacturers of home ventilating products. Through a Certified Ratings Program, HVI provides a voluntary means for residential ventilation manufacturers to report comparable and creditable product performance information based upon uniformly applied testing standards and procedures performed by independent laboratories.
Today, HVI represents manufacturers from the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe, producing the majority of the residential ventilation products sold in North America. For more information, contact HVI at 1000 N. Rand Road, Suite 214, Wauconda, IL, USA 60084. Telephone: 847.526.2010; fax: 480.559.9722. Visit the website at www.hvi.org.
Photos available upon request.
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