
Fresh Air Systems: Manufacturer Guidance



Building and energy codes developed by the International Code Council provide guidance for building professionals on incorporating whole-house ventilation systems into a home.

New single-family and low-rise multifamily starts, built in compliance with the ASHRAE Standard 62.2 or the 2018 International Mechanical Code, require that a whole-house ventilation system be installed and labeled to educate homeowners on the system’s role of providing indoor air quality.

A whole-house ventilation system provides outdoor air on a programmed or continual basis to reduce indoor air pollutants. While a fully ducted, balanced ventilation system is widely recognized as providing optimal indoor air quality, most codes also permit exhaust-only or supply-only ventilation systems to be installed to meet minimum code requirements for acceptable indoor air quality.

The Fresh Air System label was designed to educate homeowners on the benefits of continuously operating their system.

Manufacturers providing the label will agree to the following terms:

  • Ventilation products eligible for shipping with the label shall meet the following minimum equipment performance specifications:
    • Fan efficacy: compliant with the 2018 IECC, as follows:
      fan efficiency
    • Sound: rated by HVI at a maximum of 1.0 sone for any ventilation system that is not intended to be remotely mounted (i.e., fans capable of being mounted ≤ 4 feet from any interior intakes/outlets).
    • Flow: rated by HVI for flow. Bath or utility room-type exhaust fans shall be rated for flow at 0.25” w.c. (Note: the bath/utility room exhaust fan rating at 0.25” w.c. is expected to be an IRC requirement in 2021).
  • HVI’s instructions for installation of the logo shall be provided with the label(s) and accompany the manufacturer’s product installation instructions.


Press Release

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